what wE do

NIU Nature is committed to working hand in hand with Papua New Guinean communities to prepare them for active participation in nature-based economies.

Our human-centered design methodology ensures that Papua New Guinean landowners are at the heart of everything we do. Our suite of purpose-built tools and resources goes beyond free, prior, and informed consent, aiming for genuine co-creation and, ultimately, community ownership. We embark on the journey with communities and remain by their side every step of the way.

here’s how wE assist partner communities:

Technical Support Papua New Guinea

1. technical support:

  • Landowner Identification, verification and registration

  • Facilitation of community meetings and stakeholder consultations to gather information about land ownership, tenure, and land use systems.

  • Verification of traditional ownership claims through historical records, oral histories, genealogies, and other evidence provided by local communities.

  • Mapping of customary land boundaries and identifying the extent of land ownership by different clans or landowning groups.

  • Legal documentation and registration of customary lands, ensuring agreements are registered with relevant government authorities for legal recognition and enforcement.

2. supporT establishment of community-based enterprises:

  • Assistance in establishing governance structures and navigating legal and regulatory requirements, including: guidance on drafting constitutions, bylaws, management plans and other governing documents that reflect the values and priorities of the community.

  • Capacity building and support in governance, leadership, financial management, and project planning. Our ongoing involvement imbeds, and passes on this knowledge over time, high standards of transparency and accountability are met.

  • Incubation of startups, including mentorship, management training, strategic planning, and linkage to networks and procurement support.

Traditional Village PNG

3. economic ecosystem mapping:

  • Our designed for purpose Economic Ecosystem Mapping process goes beyond traditional economic indicators to capture the full richness and diversity of traditional Papua New Guinean economies. In addition to financial activity, it encompasses traditional livelihoods, cultural resources, sacred sites, and customary governance systems.

Papua New Guinea Watershed Protection

4. product & market development:

  • Network of international partners in regenerative agriculture, eco-tourism, fashion, transport, logistics, marketing, and design.

  • Access to fast-evolving nature-based financing instruments and cutting-edge monitoring, review, and verification technology.

  • Leveraging our granular knowledge of Papua New Guinea, unique access with partner communities, and world-class storytelling to drive premium markets locally and internationally for goods and services.

Through our comprehensive approach, we aim to empower Papua New Guinean communities to unlock the full potential of their natural and cultural resources, positioning them as leaders in the global transition to nature-based economies.